Worship Times
Sunday School: 9:00 am
Worship Service: 10:15 am
Fellowship Time: Following Worship
Visitors Welcomed!!
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5th Sunday after Epiphany Service
Blessings to all! Hope your week has been a good one for everyone. January 2021 id history! For any of you who thought things might slow down a bit after the election, after the holidays, and after all the craziness of 2020, hang on 2021 shows no signs of slowing the pace. In this mornings massage Pastor John speaks about everyone having needs and how Christ fulfills all. But are we seeking Jesus beyond the short time we spend on Sunday morning?
The links for the Organ Prelude, the Service & Message up to Communion, and the post-communion part of the service and organ post-lude are below.
Link to Pipe Organ Prelude
Link to Service – Part A
Link to Post Communion & Organ Postlude.
Hope our service assisted you in spending time with Christ. Remember to connect each day to grow spiritually. As St Paul writes in our 2nd Lesson this morning, “Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one receives the prize? So run that you may obtain it.” 1st Corinthians 9:24. So until next week, “Be Safe” come to service here at St John if you can, or we well have the links to join us online here for you next week!
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4th Sunday of Epiphany
Blessings to all. Hope the week has been good for all. Still getting used to this new posting on our website. Hope all are able to access the links.
Organ Prelude link
Service A link
Service B link
Blessings throughout the coming week to all and hope to see you next week at our service, if you are able. If not, we will be here, on-line and broadcasting in the parking lot.
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3rd Sunday of Epiphany
Blessings to all. Sorry about last week’s service link being deleted. I did not realize the error until someone brought it to my attention at this mornings service. Our website was updated and I’m trying to get used to the new format. Hopefully this eek will go smoothly. Here are the links for the organ prelude and service below.
Organ prelude link:
Service link:
Pray your week goes well. Prayers for all dealing with Covid-19 issues and prayers for our country and the new administration. May they follow God’s Word in governing our nation.
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2nd Sunday of Epiphany Service
Blessings to all! It’s already half the way through January! Wow! How for have you gotten along with those New Year’s resolutions. Don’t worry it is still early enough to restart. Besides if it’s a worthwhile endeavor today is the best day to start. We had a really great turnout for services this morning! If you didn’t make it this morning we’ll be here next week and until then below is the link to this morning’s worship.
We pray you have a great week and hopefully we will see you next week or if not we will be here on the website as well.
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Sunday Service – 10th January 2021
Blessings to all! Hope everyone is doing well this Sunday and enjoying the wonderful rain (even if it came attached to some cold and chilly weather)! This morning’s service marks the end of the liturgical Christmas season and the beginning of Epiphany season which always begins with the Sunday celebration of the Baptism of Christ by John the Baptist in the river Jordan. That is what the lessons pertain to this morning but Pastor John’s basis for the message this morning is based on a passage from Paul’s letter to the Ephesians, highlighting the importance of God’s Holy Word, the Bible.
With all that’s going on in the world these days it might behoove us tospend a little more time in God’s word. I pray the message this morning will remind us all to pick up the Bible and open it and spend some time reading.
Here are the links below to a partial recording of the organ prelude and this mornings service.
Organ Prelude
Once again we hope this enhances your Sunday worship experience and we hope to have you visit us. Have an awesome week.
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