May 3, 2020 Service


To All,

This Sunday there will be (2) opportunities to experience worship here at St John Meyersville. First a recorded Communion service will be recorded and posted on the website at and posted on the church’s Face Book page for viewing as we have done in the past few weeks.

In addition to the recorded service, Sunday morning at the normal service time 10:15 AM St John will have a Communion service led by Pastor John in the parking lot in front of the church. Similar to last Sunday’s service you will be directed to park in front of the church. We will have bulletins with the complete communion service in it. Remain in the vehicle and tune your FM radio to 101.5 and take part in the service. It is very important to comply with Covid-19 guidelines, for our own safety, and most importantly for the safety of others attending that you remain inside the vehicle. As the service completes you will have the opportunity to follow the direction of the ushers and complete the communion service by taking part in distribution while remaining in your vehicle.

Please take part in whatever way you prefer and let others know of the opportunities to worship here at St John. If you should need assistance to be able to take part in either of the opportunities to worship with us please contact Pastor John, the church office, any Church Council member, or any member of the Worship Team. We look forward to worshipping with you this and the coming Sundays in various ways until that day when we can once again worship together in our church.

     Your Brothers and Sisters In Christ,

Worship Team

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