Second Sunday of Pentecost Service 2020-06-14

This morning’s service was held in the church again. We are sanitizing as we enter the sanctuary and most are wearing a mask as it is preferred. We are keeping our distancing by only using every other pew and sitting on either side to the ones we are using. Even with only using every other pew there is still seating available, so come on out to St John Evangelical Lutheran church, at 1764 Meyersville Road in Meyersville, Texas and join us for next Sunday morning’s service with communion services. We would love to have you join us! As we have been doing the service is also “parking lot” broadcast on FM 101.5 for those you want to come to church but just aren’t quite ready to come on inside.

For those of you who are sheltering at home, below is the link to this mornings recorded service:

However you decide to worship, we hope our service helps you find God’s plan for your daily life and if any of us at St John can assist you in any way please contact our office or Pastor John or any member. Keep praying that our country can get past this pandemic and that the wounds of our country can heal. Pray for the Peace that only Christ can give.

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