Gods blessings to all! Well what a week! It began last Sunday, when due to an upgrade by our hosting site and some data that didn’t make the trip to the upgrade, we were unable to post last Sunday’s recording. We were, however, able to put links, like we put on our webpage here, on St John’s Facebook page. So in the future if there isn’t a link posted here check out our Facebook page. So little did we know last Sunday that webpage issues were to be the first of many challenges for the week. But the blessings are that we made it through the week, “no worse for the wear.” So here we are in the First Sunday in Lent. Below are the links to this mornings service.
Organ Prelude Link:
Service Link:
So after a little cool, but wonderfully sunny Saturday, we have had a typical South Texas winter Sunday, 70’s and sunny (short sleeve weather). I know many might disagree, but if you are from South Texas, snow and sub freezing weather is something you can go visit for a week, we never expect it to visit us and stay for that long!
So this is the 1st Sunday of our Lenten season. Due some Covid-19 concerns we are not having mid-week Lenten services but we will continue our Sunday services here in the sanctuary at 10:15AM, or broadcast “In the Parking lot” and , of course recorded for delayed viewing, via the You Tube link, here on our website and on our Facebook page. In addition Sunday school starts at 9:00 AM for youth and adults. Our adult class is doing a Bible study series which follows the lessons of our church service with an emphasis on the “Places of the Passion”. Come join us for some coffee, Bible study and maybe donut hole or sweet something. Hope to see you and have a great week.