Rally Sunday & Backpack Blessing Bulletin, August 23, 2020

Rally Sunday & Backpack Blessing Bulletin, August 23, 2020

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Welcome and God’s blessings to you. Below are the links to this mornings worship service for the 11th Sunday of the Pentecost season and Pastor John’s message entitled “Somehow”.


We had a nice turnout this morning with some worshipping in the church and some remaining in their vehicles in the parking lot. Thank you for attending St John in whatever way you want to worship with us. Have a great week and we hope to see you again next Sunday.

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Sunday Bulletin, August 16, 2020

Sunday Bulletin, August 16, 2020

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Rally Sunday & Backpack Blessing

Rally Sunday & Backpack Blessing

Rally Sunday and Backpack Blessing will be held  Sunday, August 23rd starting at 9:00 a.m. This will kick off our new Sunday school year and we hope everyone will come! We hope everyone has a great return to school, prayers for health & open minds to learn!

  • It’s back-to-school time! Next Sunday morning, there will be a special blessing of all school-aged children and their parents as part of our regular worship service.
  • Children in grades K-8 should bring along their school backpack for a special Backpack Blessing Event. During the service, children and parents will come forward for a special moment of prayer and blessing.
  • Let’s send our congregation’s kids into the new school year assured of God’s promises and our loving support! Be sure to join us and to include all of our young people in your prayers as they go back to school.
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10th Sunday of Pentecost Service

Greetings and God’s blessing to all. Once again we are holding our services at St John here in Meyersville, Texas this 10th Sunday of the Pentecost season. Pastor John’s message this morning is titled,  “Trust in God.” A very appropriate message for these times. You will find the links to the recordings of the service below. The first is the organ prelude to the service, the second link is for the service and the third for the postlude. As always we invite you to worship with us in church while maintaining state and local guidelines for our gathering or by attending our church and listening to the service in the parking lot as it is broadcast live on FM 101.5. If you are not able or would rather view the service at home the recording links are usually posted on our website as close to 1:ooPM as possible. As always stay safe and the Peace of Christ go with you throughout this week. Remember you will feel His peace even more if you share it with others!

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Sunday Bulletin, August 9, 2020

Sunday Bulletin, August 9, 2020

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August 2020 Newsletter

August 2020 Newsletter

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20200802 9th Sunday of Pentecost Service

God’s blessings to all! Below is the link to the recorded service for this morning, the 9th Sunday of Pentecost. As always the service was broadcast so you may here the service from your vehicle in the parking lot. This mornings service was a communion service. Temporarily we will be only have the communion services on the first Sunday of the month. We are still having services in the sanctuary and you are welcome to attend there as well. We hope you’re staying safe during these trying times.


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Sunday Bulletin, August 2, 2020

Sunday Bulletin, August 2, 2020

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God’s blessings to you. The message from Pastor John this morning was titled “Are you sure?” This was the 8th Sunday of Pentecost service. There are 2 links below. The first is the organ prelude by our organist Bruce Weise. The second is the service, message and organ postlude.

As always we hope this enhances your Sunday worship experience. Be safe and God bless your daily life throughout the coming week.

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