16th Sunday of Pentecost – Confirmation Sunday

Good day once again! Below are the links for today’s service. This was a blessed day again at St John in Meyersville, as it was confirmation Sunday. Confirmation, or Affirmation of Baptism, is when we welcome “Baptized” members to begin a new part of their Christian life as “Confirmed” members as they begin a new phase of growing in Christ and begin to take personal responsibility for there walk with God. This morning we were blessed with adding 8 new members!

Confirmation Sunday Part A

Confirmation Sunday Part B

Confirmation Sunday – Post Communion

Hope this service enhances your Sunday worship!


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Confirmation Sunday Bulletin, September 20, 2020

Confirmation Sunday Bulletin, September 20, 2020

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Called Congregational Meeting

Called Congregational Meeting

September 16, 2020

Members of St. John Lutheran Church,

A called congregation meeting will be held immediately after services on September 27, 2020. This meeting is being called by the church council to get approval for the addition of gravel and crushed limestone to the parking lot and drive-thru section of the church expansion project. The estimated total will exceed the authority given to the council by the constitution. This is the only item on the agenda for this meeting.


Council members of St. John Lutheran Church

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15th Sunday of Pentecost Service – “Shall I Forgive”

Blessings to all! What a meaningful service this morning! We were blessed with adding a new member through Holy Baptism, Davidjames Bailey Frizzell. It is always a special service when  a new child of God is welcomed into His fold! Pastor John’s message this morning, “Shall I Forgive?” is so timely with what is going on in our world today. Might we all find His peace in our lives from the healing power of forgiveness.

This mornings service is posted below in 4 parts.

Bulletin – Announcements



Organ Prelude






Service Part B & Postlude



We hope this adds to your worship experience and that should you want to join us for worship we would invite you to our “Parking Lot Broadcast” or worship in the church each Sunday morning at 10:15 AM. Thank you for joining us however you worship and we hope you have a blessed week!

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Sunday Bulletin, September 13, 2020

Sunday Bulletin, September 13, 2020

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Sunday Bulletin, September 6, 2020

Sunday Bulletin, September 6, 2020

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September 2020 Newsletter

September 2020 Newsletter

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13th Sunday of Pentecost Service – “IT’S TIME!”

Below are the three links for this Sunday’s Service and Pastor John’s timely message “It’s Time”. A call for the “silent majority” to speak up and speak out for Christ. The 1st link is the wonderful organ prelude to the service. The other two links are the service.

https://youtu.be/DJmPQyZzvC4                Organ Prelude


https://youtu.be/ubGZCh9gObE                Service


https://youtu.be/Zehx655-sGM                Service Part B


As always we hope our service enhances your Sunday worship and we look forward to the the days when we can all worship together again. God’s blessings throughout the week.

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Sunday Bulletin, August 30, 2020

Sunday Bulletin, August 30, 2020

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12th Sunday of Pentecost and Sunday School Backpack Blessing

Blessings to all! This Sunday is the start of our Sunday School year and was celebrated with a Rally Sunday program in Sunday school with arts and crafts and special events. We had quite a few youths attend the event with breakfast and other snacks and the young folks got to do arts and crafts. The celebration carried over in our church service with a special litany for “Back to School”. Assisting Pastor John with the litany and “Backpack Blessing” was Mr. Kelly Dunn the Superintendent/ Principal of Meyersville ISD.

Below are the links to this mornings service. The first is the Organ prelude, the second the youth processing in to “Jesus Loves Me”, the third is the service itself, followed by the closing song “This Little Light of Mine” and organ post-lude>








Pray you stay safe and look to have you back with us next week.

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