Sunday Service 26th April 2020

This Sunday, the 2nd Sunday after Easter is traditionally St John’s Grave Decoration Sunday with our church service held outside, in front of the doors of the Old Stone church and under the beautiful live oak trees by the cemetery. The service is typically followed by a covered dish meal, walks through the cemetery and reminiscing of family and friends who are now at rest with our Lord. Due to the Covid-19 guidelines, this morning’s service was quite different with all attending parking there vehicles in front of the cemetery and Pastor John’s message and the organ music being transmitted to all listening to it on their vehicle radios. Please follow the (2) links to the YouTube videos for parts 1 & 2 of the service.


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Grave Decoration Sunday Bulletin, April 26, 2020

Grave Decoration Sunday Bulletin, April 26, 2020


Grave Decoration Sunday

26th April, 2020

Worship Notes regarding the Service:

Please join us this Sunday for St. John’s Grave Decoration Service. Due to current Covid-19 guidelines our service is being held in the parking area of the Cemetery and the Old Stone Church. The service, the organ music, and Pastor John’s message will be routed through the church’s sound system and broadcast on your car radio on FM channel 101.5. Please follow the direction of the persons assisting with parking. Once they have directed you to your parking space, please remain in your vehicle and await the beginning of the service. You can leave the vehicle running or turn it off and roll down the windows, just listen to you radio. Pastor John will lead the service from the edge of the cemetery. Please follow the service in the bulletin. Hope to see you there, God bless!

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Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 710 9563 3413

Please join the Zoom meeting for the Youth Group/Sunday School opening on Sunday, April 26th at 9:00 a.m.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 710 9563 3413 


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The video of the service for Sunday, April 19, is now posted at

Remember that prayer moves the hand of God. Prayer heals the hearts and lives of people.

Pastor John

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Easter Sunday Update

The Easter Sunday Service has been recorded and is available on You Tube, This is the link; .

We would like to remind you that we will have drive thru communion at the church from 11:30 – 12:30.

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Easter Sunday Update

Grace and peace to you from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

We will again be recording a service for Easter Sunday and posting it on you tube. The link will be on our web page and Facebook page. It will be posted Saturday night and we pray that you will watch it.

We will also be doing drive-thru communion on Sunday 4/12/2020 from 11:30 AM until 12:30 PM. We ask that you watch the service prior to communion to participate in the Brief Order of Confession, as well as the words of institution.

We will also be accepting offerings if you feel so moved.

God’s blessings

Pastor John

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Maundy Thursday Devotion

Based on Matthew 26:17-30

It is heart-breaking to hear Jesus say point-blank — “Truly, I say to you, one of you will betray me.” The Twelve are cut to the heart, as they are sorrowful and ask Him, “Is it I, Lord?” On the one hand, we know that it is Judas who would betray the Lord. On the other, doesn’t Peter betray Jesus as well? Not once, but three times? And before we are too quick to criticize Judas and Peter, don’t we betray our Lord, as well?

In John’s account of the Lord’s Supper, Jesus gives a new commandment. The old commandment was, “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Jesus turns it upside down when he commands, “Love one another, as I have loved you.” That is a whole different commandment, isn’t it? How does the Lord Jesus love you and me? Completely, sacrificially, in such a way that he empties Himself of Himself, as He takes our sin upon Himself, dying on the cross, that we might have new life. And, do we keep this commandment faithfully? Or do we betray Jesus, daily, unable to love one another as He loves us? We are, in a way, betrayers of Jesus, as were Judas and Peter. To acknowledge this is to remind us of our need for a Savior, our need for the New Covenant Jesus came to inaugurate, and our need for the forgiveness of our sins, which we receive through His blood poured out for us! We ought never to hear the accounts of Maundy Thursday and Good Friday, thinking, “how shameful of those twelve disciples, and Judas and Peter especially, who betrayed the Lord.” We are always to understand that we are with them, sitting at table with Jesus, His betrayers one and all, yet eating and drinking His body and blood of the New Covenant, forgiven, transformed, made new, through His crucifixion, death and resurrection.

Prayer: O Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world, have mercy upon us. Grant us peace. Amen.

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Since we still are unable to gather together in worship we have recorded the service for Palm Sunday, 4/5/2020. Please go to; You will be able to see and participate in the service. If you prefer we have recorded the readings and sermon separately as well and you can listen by clicking on Sermons and then click of 4-5-2020 to hear the palm Sunday message. God’s blessings, Pastor John

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April 2020 Newsletter

April 2020 Newsletter

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St. John Youth ServiceThe service for this morning was scheduled to be led by the Youth Sunday school class facilitated by Johnna Kethan. They recorded this video yesterday of the service . The link to the recording on You Tube is: Copy and paste this to your browser to view the service.

Image result for cancelled clip art

St. John is cancelling all services effective immediately! This includes tonight’s Lenten Service & this Sunday’s Church Service. We will re-evaluate weekly & any changes will be updated weekly here on our church website @ & on our FaceBook page St. John Meyersville.

Please stay calm & pray for everyone during this time.


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