IMPORTANT: St. John Sanctuary Opening Procedures for June 7, 2020

IMPORTANT: St. John Sanctuary Opening Procedures for June 7, 2020

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Corrected service information May 24th, 2020

Below is the link to the face book page with the service for this morning:

Our service this morning was held on the Church Steps and broadcast in the parking lot. We are planning to be back in the sanctuary very soon. Keep watch on this website and our Facebook page to get the exact details. Keep praying for all affected by this virus and for all this helping us deal with it.

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Sunday Bulletin, May 24, 2020

Sunday Bulletin, May 24, 2020

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6th Sunday of Easter Service

Please find below the link to this mornings service and “Church on the Front Steps” broadcast to the congregation in the parking lot.

We hope to be back in our church for services the first Sunday in June. Keep watch on this site for more details and how we hope to accomplish that! Until then keep praying for all who are working for a successful end to this and that all can come through this safely.

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5th Sunday of Easter Service

Please find the link below to this mornings service. This is the 5th Sunday of Easter celebrating the resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. This morning’s worship was held at 9:00 AM on the church steps and in the parking lot in the “shadow of the church’s steeple” and recorded for those who are not able to be with us.

We invite you to join us next Sunday at 9:00 AM, as we worship once again with our broadcast in the parking lot as we look forward to the day we are able to gather in the church and join our fellow members and others in worship and praise!

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Sunday Bulletin, May 10, 2020

Sunday Bulletin, May 10, 2020

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Church Service, May 10, 2020

To All, This Sunday, the 10th of May, 2020 is the 5th Sunday of Easter. Some things will be the same and some will be DIFFERENT and we need your help to get the word out regarding the worship services this Sunday. First, we will again be hosting the “Drive up” service this Sunday in the parking lot in front of the church, but it will be earlier at 9:00AM. We are starting earlier, at 9:00AM because we will be recording the service so we can post it on the St John website for those who can’t get out to be with us in the parking lot, “in the shadow of our church’s steeple”. The recording will be posted as soon as possible after the service ends. Look forward to seeing you Sunday and don’t forget to tell a friend. Or better yet bring them along!      Your Brothers and Sisters In Christ, the Worship Team

To All,
This Sunday, the 10th of May, 2020 is the 5th Sunday of Easter. Some things will be the same and some will be DIFFERENT and we need your help to get the word out regarding the worship services this Sunday. First, we will again be hosting the “Drive up” service this Sunday in the parking lot in front of the church, but it will be earlier at 9:00AM. We are starting earlier, at 9:00AM because we will be recording the service so we can post it on the St John website for those who can’t get out to be with us in the parking lot, “in the shadow of our church’s steeple”. The recording will be posted as soon as possible after the service ends. Look forward to seeing you Sunday and don’t forget to tell a friend. Or better yet bring them along!
Your Brothers and Sisters In Christ,
the Worship Team

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Worship Service Opportunities for 3rd May, 2020

The Worship Service for the 3rd Sunday of Easter has been recorded and a link to the Video is posted below. In addtion St John Evangelical LUtheran Church is having a “Drive In/Parking Lot” worship service Sunday morning a 10:15 AM (Standard Service Time). Park in fron to the church in the parking lot, tune your vehicle radio to FM 101.5, listen to and take part in the worship service. Due to Covid-19 guidelines, for your protection, and for the protection of those parked around you, you must remain in your vehicle.

After listening to the recorded video service or attending the Sunday morning service you will have the opportunity to complete the communion service as we will have a “drive up” communion distribution immediately following Sunday’s service until 12 Noon. We hope these opportunities will help you celebrate the Joyous News that Jesus Christ is our Risen Lord and Savior.

Click on link below to You Tube:

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Sunday Bulletin, May 3, 2020

Sunday Bulletin, May 3, 2020

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May 3, 2020 Service


To All,

This Sunday there will be (2) opportunities to experience worship here at St John Meyersville. First a recorded Communion service will be recorded and posted on the website at and posted on the church’s Face Book page for viewing as we have done in the past few weeks.

In addition to the recorded service, Sunday morning at the normal service time 10:15 AM St John will have a Communion service led by Pastor John in the parking lot in front of the church. Similar to last Sunday’s service you will be directed to park in front of the church. We will have bulletins with the complete communion service in it. Remain in the vehicle and tune your FM radio to 101.5 and take part in the service. It is very important to comply with Covid-19 guidelines, for our own safety, and most importantly for the safety of others attending that you remain inside the vehicle. As the service completes you will have the opportunity to follow the direction of the ushers and complete the communion service by taking part in distribution while remaining in your vehicle.

Please take part in whatever way you prefer and let others know of the opportunities to worship here at St John. If you should need assistance to be able to take part in either of the opportunities to worship with us please contact Pastor John, the church office, any Church Council member, or any member of the Worship Team. We look forward to worshipping with you this and the coming Sundays in various ways until that day when we can once again worship together in our church.

     Your Brothers and Sisters In Christ,

Worship Team

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