Blessings to All! Welcome to the recorded service for this Sunday, Christ the King Sunday. A very special treat for you all today as we had the Polka Spirit Band to accompany or worship this morning. This is always a highly anticipated event here at St. John that comes around the last Sunday of our liturgical church calendar. The Polka Spirit Band takes old polka favorite tunes and rewrites the wording to give us a wonderfully spiritual message sung to a familiar tune.

Below please find the link for the service:

For those who can be with us there will be a Thanksgiving eve service Wednesday, 25th November at 7:00PM here at St John. We would love to have you come join us in worship and celebrating thanksgiving for the blessings our Lord gives us!

Have and awesome week, stay safe, hug the ones you can, and show love to all you can!

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Sunday Bulletin, November 22, 2020

Sunday Bulletin, November 22, 2020

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24th Sunday of Pentecost Service

A wonderful Sunday to all! I pray your day has been blessed! This morning’s service included the blessing of the Christmas boxes collected for Samaritans Purse Operation Christmas Child. So humbled to be a part of such a worthy ministry. Pastor John’s message this morning reminded all of us to remain vigilant, in our own daily spiritual lives lives, and be “awake” in our actions for our Lord and Savior! Below is the link to the opening organ prelude and the 2nd link to the service and the message. Hope both add to your Sunday (or later in the week) worship.

Organ Prelude




Have an awesome week and we hope to see you next week as the Polka Spirit Band will be with us next week to offer lively polka music with a wonderful message in the lyrics of each selection. As always we will  be here for inside services with ringing of the church bell at 10:15, in parking lot broadcast of the service on 101.5 FM, and the link to the YouTube post here shortly after lunch. And remember to hug the ones you can, speak kindly to others from your social distance, and find a way to show love to everyone else!

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Sunday Bulletin, November 15, 2020

Sunday Bulletin, November 15, 2020

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23rd Sunday of Pentecost Service

God’s blessings to all and may the peace that only Christ can bring be with you. As so much has transpired during this past week in our country and while there may be some uncertainty who will lead our nation, there is no doubt who is truly in charge and whose path we should follow. It was wonderful to gather this morning with fellow Christians to hear God’s Word and sing His praises. Below are the links to the Organ Prelude and the Service with Pastor John’s message. I have made this post later than usual so I hope you will still be able to view it and gain some comfort in the organ prelude, scripture lessons, Pastor John’s message and the service.





Hope your week is blessed and if you can make it next week we would love to have you join us at St John in Meyersville in the church, with the broadcast service in the parking lot or here again online.

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Sunday Bulletin, November 8, 2020

Sunday Bulletin, November 8, 2020

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November 2020 Newsletter

November 2020 Newsletter

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Blessings to all! This morning’s service began with some video issues so the link below will begin with the service “already in progress.” In Pastor John’s message this morning he reinforces the urgency of Christian action, specifically with the importance of voting a Christian conscience on election day. Our Christian values are under attack and if we fail to act there will be consequences! We hope this service enhances your Sunday worship experience and highlights the need to take action.

Be sure to get out and vote if you haven’t already. Every vote counts. Have a great week all.

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All Saints Sunday Bulletin, November 1, 2020

All Saints Sunday Bulletin, November 1, 2020

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Awesome service this morning, as all who were able to be there can attest to. Our guest for Reformation Sunday Services this morning was Rev. Eric Riesen, President of the North American Lutheran Seminary. Pastor Riesen’s message was informational, thought provoking, and inspiring. All brothers and sisters in Christ here at St John in Meyersville thank Rev. Riesen for taking the time to be with us on this special Reformation Sunday, and wish him safe travels home. A special thanks to Linda & Cheryl and all the Mission & Evangelism Team for working out the logistics to get Rev. Riesen here. For those unable to attend this morning, below are the links for the Organ Prelude, the 1st part of the Service with Pastor Riesen’s message and the 2nd  half of the service in the 3rd link. Be sure to spend a few minutes to listen to Bruce’s prelude selection this morning, “A Mighty Fortress is Our God.”







We hope Rev. Riesen’s message will help you today and throughout this week answer the question that moved Luther over 500 years, “Where can we find a gracious God in a graceless world?” Peace be with you throughout the coming week!

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